So glad to be able to post another edition of "Jesus Loves Noobs!" As in faith and in nerdom, everyone starts out as a noob. And as a noob, we have lots to learn! Just like John 3:16 is only the beginning of one's journey into faith, learning about one character in a comic/movie or model kit is only the beginning of one's journey into nerdom. In order to have a fuller appreciation of a hobby, you have to learn more.
This week I wanted to walk everyone through a Gundam anime series that just started maybe a month and a half ago: Gundam Build Fighters. Perhaps you're wondering where do all these Gundam models come from? Is there source material? Well you have come to the right place, and the answer is YES! Every Gundam model you see comes from a very rich line of story telling that involves many different series, universes, and 30 years of Gundam history. Gundam Build Fighters is the latest anime series released by Bandai and Sunrise.
Gundam Build Fighters the latest Gundam anime series still in progress |
Gundam Build Fighters leaves the normal backdrop of Gundam series, war, for a more realistic (well as real as it can be) theme: building Gunpla to the best customization and battling with other builders/fighters. The setting is Japan in the near future where Gunpla fever has taken over the world so much that technology has been developed for people to be able to battle their customized Gunpla in a virtual battleground. The story follows a young builder named Iori Sei who's father was a build fighter world champ, and his friend Reiji, who can be described as other worldly.
Sei has always been an incredible Gunpla builder but not a very good fighter. He spends his time making Gundam models for his family's Gunpla shop (I know right? dream business) and getting his butt kicked in Gunpla battles by the neighborhood rival. The adventure starts when Sei meets Reiji, who with the help of Sei's latest Gunpla creation, the Build Strike Gundam, promptly puts a lashing on the neighborhood rival. This starts a chain reaction of adventures that puts Sei and Reiji on course to follow in Sei's father's footsteps to the Gunpla Build Fighters World Championship!
Iori Sei and the Build Strike Gundam |
So basically, Bandai has gotten smart. For so many years, the Gundam model kits have served as great advertisement for the Gundam anime series, mangas, and movies that have come out over the last almost 35 years. Now the newest show is pushing the love back the other way and is advertising the models. Not to mention the show follows a japanese icon that started the Japanimation invasion into America so many years ago: Pokemon. Everyone loves the ability to train up/customize their Gundam so they can test them out against other builders through battles. It's a great idea. So yes it's designed to make more money for Bandai…who cares? It's an enjoyable show! Yes it can be for kids if you are used to the more mature backdrop of war, but this show grows on you if you give it a chance. The characters are compelling, the story is pretty sensational, and the new Gundam models coming out are pretty cool looking. So try an episode or 7. It's a fun watch, and you can watch it free weekly on
youtube! And please, comment below what you think of the show!
Be blessed noobs! Jesus loves you!
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