Hello fellow nerds! It's time for another Nerd Builds, this time featuring Flit Asuno's Gundam AGE-1 Spallow (Sparrow? I dunno, this is how they spell it in Japan) from the Gundam AGE series. This is the perfect model to feature while I am on finals week since I don't have time to post (and if you're in finals then you probably don't have time to read). The hallmark of this build was: it was super easy! It was so easy, I kept forgetting to take pictures because it went by so fast lol. Also it was just fun to build, and it looks really good as a minimalist ninja type gundam.
Torso and head done. All the colors in the torso are perfect. |
Upper body complete. They give the ninja pose manipulator (hand) which is nice. |
Ninja Gundam yo. So gangster, he's got hidden needle guns in the knees, and his sonic dagger drawn too. |
Like I said, this model is perfect for people who want a quick and fun build. I've kinda moved out of building SD's as of late so the level of commitment for this model was right for the time I had in the scale I wanted it in. And it still looks really cool!
Final Verdict: Build it! I love the ninja stylings of the model and it was minimal work to make look awesome.
So take a study break! Everyone needs to let off the pressure. This took me 3 hours give or take.
Finals will be done soon so expect more posts soon nerd!
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