Friday, May 2, 2014

Nerd Life: Appreciating the Small Things

"12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God."
Ecclesiastes 3

This morning I had two instances where I was able to capture the moment and just appreciate everything about them.

  1. I was standing in line at the coffee shop smelling the roasted coffee, hearing Counting Crows, "Long December" in the background and thinking, "I love this song, and I haven't heard it in awhile." 
  2. A friend and I were walking around campus and ended up sitting near an open field of beautiful green grass being cut by a riding lawn mower and smelling the cut grass while feeling the cool breeze and it reminded me of my days in Georgia and my favorite movie Forrest Gump.
Twas a beautiful day...

And I wondered to myself, when was the last time I was able to do that? I mean, it's not like these moments don't ever happen, as a matter of fact I'm sure they happen all the time, but we just tend not to notice them because:

  1. We're way too busy: we just inundate ourselves with things we assume are important and live with a constant level of unhealthy stress in our lives.  
  2. We're way too bored and we waste our time doing unimportant things in somewhat of a catatonic  and disaffected state just to stay "alive". 
What this tells me is that I need to (lots of lists today btw...didn't realize there would be so many lists):
  1. Be more intentional about my time: 
  2. Take time to process and look back at moments with thanksgiving:
  3. Live with contentment: A friend and I were talking about the topic of appreciating the little things and small moments in life and he brought up the book of Ecclesiastes.
    • Without God everything is meaningless
    • There's a time for everything because God ordains the different seasons of our lives.
So let's remember to appreciate everything, big and small, enjoy a coffee and enjoy a song, cherish a relationship, and soak in a beautiful day, because they are given to us, as a gift by our creator and He is sovereign over all creation!


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