Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nerd Builds: RG Aile Strike Gundam

Happy Super Bowl day football fans, and if you're a Seahawks fan then congratulations. Today's build is the Real Grade, 1:144 scale Aile Strike Gundam piloted by Kira Yamato from the Gundam Seed animated series (which was recently voted 2nd best Gundam series of all time!). This build was the challenge that I needed since I've been kinda stuck on the Gundam Build Fighters line of HGs for awhile. It wasn't as hard as my first RG build which was the RG RX-78-2 as I have picked up some tricks since then.
Per usual, some great box art. 

Instruction manual
All of the runners
Started off with the feet.



Legs and hips in place.

Kinda didn't follow the order of parts that the manual told me to this time.

arms. you will have to disconnect some parts to attach to the…something else. I think the shield.

All that's left is the...

Looking good so far.
beam rifle

Strike Gundam complete.
Now for the Aile.

The connection for the Aile to the Strike isn't terribly stable.
There she is…Miss America.

BTW: getting the peg from the beam rifle to go into the hand was a freaking nightmare.
Luckily it looks good, it would look better with an action base.
"What'd you say about my mama?"
This was another great build which was expedited by a new trick I picked up since I've been building a lot lately. Build both limbs at the same time, and it cuts down on so much time. A few things about this RG model,

  1. Some of the armor pieces will fall off often and easily.
  2. The Aile Pack does not secure to the Strike's back very securely.
  3. Once again, the peg on the beam rifle will give you trouble when you try to secure it to the Strike's hand. I ripped off the fingers multiple times and had to start over a few times. Be patient. 
Otherwise, the model is a beaut to look at and worth your collection especially on an action base flying through the air, so pick it up!


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