About Me

Love: we’re meant to receive it, and were meant to give it to others. Do you feel loved? What does being loved feel like? Can I share with you my journey to seek love and how I was able to receive it?
As a young boy all I wanted was to be loved. Unfortunately, from a young age I lost my mother through a divorce and was constantly moving from place to place. I really felt like I was alone and I desperately wanted to be accepted by anyone. To be loved by anyone. So when I went to church, I acted like the good church boy. All the people in the church loved me. And at home, I would be at the beck and call of my older cousins doing every small favor they had for me just for some acknowledgement. But at school I was a very different person. In order to be accepted at school I had to be bad, so I cursed and verbally accosted other kids on the playground. In high school, it was more acceptable to play sports and be in student government, so I did those. For a while my quest to find and attain love was initially and seemingly a success.

As I entered into college however, my search for love and acceptance took a turn for the worst as being loved and accepted meant abandoning my family and turning to a life of partying, drugs, sex, and general excess. My life had turned from just seeking love to seeking love and then trying to forget and supplement my lack of love through the things mentioned above. As I graduated from college that supplementing widened and started to include my need for money. I worked and stole just so I could maintain my lifestyle of the weekend warrior with my friends who had seemingly unlimited resources and no worries in the world. I turned my back on friends who would refuse to indulge me in my destructive endeavors but wondered why my friends who I partied with never wanted anything more from me than a good time.

Finally, I had hit rock bottom and one night on my way home from the neighborhood bar; I was pulled over and arrested for drunk driving. Shortly after, while my drivers’ license was suspended and I was going to drug and alcohol counseling it started to occur to me that perhaps I had a problem. A couple months later, I was taken to church by a friend. Sitting in a discipleship meeting with all guys and expecting to get booed out of church, I told them from start to finish my life story. But the only thing I felt from the pastor was acceptance. Irrespective to my past, I realized that in God there was acceptance and love.  A couple weeks passed where I kept going to the church and eventually, I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. I was such a sinful person but all I really wanted was love, and I realized He loved me so much, He died for me and my sins. His resurrection shows His love was victorious over my sins and how unlovable I thought I was. 
Romans 8:1 says, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
Since accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior, So much has changed in my life. I found purpose in my life, God has found me a life partner in my wife Charlene, but most importantly, He has shown me what true love is really like. It’s an unconditional love that only Jesus can give. It gives me lasting fulfillment in my life, an assurance of my adoption in to His family, and the ability to love others the same way He loves me. This is love. 

Things I have been blessed to be able to enjoy and hopefully bless others with:
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Anything to do with Marvel
The Walking Dead
80's cartoons
Rurouni Kenshin
Dragon Ball

Thanks for reading, and God bless you!


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