Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Comic Book of the Week 3/05/14

Finally, a Spider-Man comic~! Spider-Man has been one of my favorite superheroes since I was a little kid and I first saw Todd McFarlane's Spider-Man. Well this week we feature Superior Spider-Man #28. This is a horrible jumping on point for new readers (at least start from issue 27 for the current arc) because you'll want to know why everyone is referring to Spider-Man as Otto Octavius, and what happened to Peter Parker!!?? But this is still a great arc, and The Superior Spider-Man will be ending soon, so you should at least do some wikipedia-ing on what has been going on for the last year of Spider-Man.
Is this the end of the Superior Spider-Man? Let's hope so.
So if I had to put it briefly what's been going on in the life of Spider-Man for the last year and why he's not "amazing" anymore but "superior", I would say...(big breath) Spider-Man's nemesis Doctor Octopus finally defeated Peter Parker by switching consciousnesses with him right before a terminal illness killed him. So for the last year, Otto has been lampooning around Parker's life as Parker and Spider-Man! Swearing he could be a more "superior" Spider-Man, Otto has upgraded Spider-Man's gear, gotten henchman, and an island of operations. In being a "superior" Peter Parker, he has opened his own scientific research facility, and started dating a new girl. But people have been starting to notice  that Peter/Spider-Man has not quite been himself as of late. Otto's superiority complex has pissed off the Avengers, his ex-girlfriend who also happens to be a NYPD detective, and most recently, the Green Goblin. 

All of Spider-Man's relationships (and lies) with these people are crumbling around him and as a result, New York is literally crumbling around him as Norman Osborne goes on an all out assault on Peter/Spider-Man and his loved ones. In the midst of all this, a small remnant of Peter's psyche remains within his brain and is sneaking around trying to take back over his own body, which means right now Spider-Man/Doc-Ock's time is quickly running out...which is good, because who would've ever thought Marvel would kill Peter Parker permanently?

This comic goes to show that:
  1. People know when you're not being yourself or your usual self. So don't be so stubborn about accepting their help, you may need it. 
  2. No one can do you better than you. So you are important! The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, so don't discount yourself and what you can offer to others.
  3. Too much change too fast is not good. 

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